Keeley Library   August 19,  2000

Advanced Placement Biology 
COURSE: 15221
Advanced Placement Biology
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • Water, Water Cycle, Water testing
  • Nitrogen cycle
  • Biomes, Ecosystems,..
  • Essay
  • Collaborative Group/Design Plan
  • Aquaculture
  • Marine Environment
  • Marine Plants, Algae
  • Simple Marine Animals




    CONTENT: Dissolved Oxygen and Aquatic Primary Productivity  The availability of matter and energy and the availability of the ecosystem to recycle materials, limit the distribution and abundance of organisms and populations in ecosystems (autotrophic organisms; water cycle; nitrogen cycle; consumer levels in ecosystems, etc.)
    PERFORMANCE: Experimental Design Students will describe the physiological importance or carbon and oxygen in an ecosystem, understand the effect of light and nutrients on photosynthesis, and design an experiment to measure primary productivity in an aquatic ecosystem.
  • Biomes, Ecosystems,..
  • Biosphere, Ecology
  • Water, Water Cycle, Water testing

  • Nitrogen cycle




    CONTENT: Behavior, Habitat Selection  Organism may cooperate or compete in ecosystems. Explain, understand or describe: ecology and evolution, major biomes, environmental  requirements for life, effect of environmental changes, etc.

    PERFORMANCE: Experimentation, Lab Report
    Students will use controlled experimentation to determine the thermal, ph, and light  environments selected by pillbugs. Students will then design an experiment  that could be used to study other variables.

  • Genetics,Heredity
  • Lab Report Form
  • Essay
  • Collaborative Group/Design Plan
  • Debate or Discussion





    CONTENT: Genetics of Dropsophilia  BAsed on Mendel's observations, scientists developed the  chromosone theory of inheritance. According to this theory, 1,) Mendelian factors or genes are located on chromomes.2) It is the chromosomes that segregate and independently assort.
    PERFORMANCE: Experimentation, Lab Report:  Students will conduct genetic experiments for a number of generations;  explain the importance of  of chi square analysis; design genetic crosses; and discuss the life cycle of the fruit fly.
  • History of DNA
  • Research Project 
  • Focusing
  • Information Gathering
  • Note Cards
  • Sample Title Page
  • Documenting
  • Oral Presentations
  • DBH62


    CONTENT: Historic Experiments in DNA History: Deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, is the genetic material in Mendel's heritable factors and Morgan's genes or chromosomes. Inheritance has its molecular basis in the precise replication and transmission of DNA from parent to offspring.
    PERFORMANCE: Research Paper/Class Presentation: Students will research assigned scientists  involved in the  discovery of the structure and function of DNA. Students will have a class presentation using any audio visual aids that will enhance their lesson.
  • History of DNA

  • Genetic Engineering




    CONTENT: Molecular Biology:  Recombinant DNA technology refers to the set of techniques  for recombining genes  from different  sources in vitro and transferring this recombinant DNA into a cell where it may be expressed.
    PERFORMANCE: Experimentation, Class Discussion: Students will discuss the mechanisms of action for restriction endonucleases; discuss how  plasmid can be engineered to include a piece of foreign DNA; understand and be able to explain the principles of electrophoresis as they pertain to separating and identifying DNA fragments.
  • Evolution
  • Biomes, Ecosystems,..
  • Biosphere, Ecology
  • Genetics, Heredity






    CONTENT: Population Genetics and Evolution: Evolution includes the processes that have transformed life on Earth from its earliest beginnings to the seemingly infinite diversity that characterizes it today. (Darwin, species, variation, artificial vs. natural selection, genetic equilibrium)
    PERFORMANCE: Class Discussion/Presentation: students will discuss the effects of natural selection on allelic frequencies and the relationship between evolution and the changes in allele frequency as measured by changes from the Hardy -Weinberg law of genetic equilibrium.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001