Keeley Library  November 17, 2000
Theory of Music 
I and II
COURSE:  56614, 56624
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  • Literature Topic Guide
  • Photography
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  • Drama Topic Guide
  • World History and Geography since 500 A.D.
  • United States History
  • Customs / Folklore (Culture)
  • 1.15


    World History


    CONTENT: Sing in Harmony
    Students will sing alone  and with others a varied repertoire of music. Students will sing in harmony with one student on a part.
    CONTENT: Interdisciplinary Connections 
    Students will use knowledge of the arts and cultural resources in the  study of the arts, English Language Arts, World Languages, Health, History and Social Sciences , Mathematics, and Science and Technology/Engineering.
    World History Link: Students understand past ideas as they were thought, and past events as they were lived by people at different times and places.
    PERFORMANCE: Sing a Self Composed 2 Part Harmony
    Students will demonstrate their knowledge of composition by composing 8-16 measures of 2 part harmony in 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time. They will then perform their compositions for the class.
  • Music Topic Guide
  • Preparing for Discussions, Debates, Persuasive  Essays





    Link LA2


    CONTENT: Reading and Notation-  Recognizing and Intervals and Triad
    Students will read music in standard notation. Students read and sing at sight moderately difficult melodies, all intervals and their inversions from unison through octave and triads and their inversions in arpeggiated form.
    Language Arts Link: Demonstrate in a coherent and organized way what they have learned from a focus discussion.
    PERFORMANCE: Aural Exam
    Students will notate and perform, through writing, clapping, and singing, rhythms as small as 16th notes and 2 part harmony within the range of one octave. They will also recognize qualities of  intervals and triads through aural response.
  • Music Topic Guide
  • World History and Geography since 500 A.D.
  • United States History
  • Literature Topic Guide
  • Languages
  • English Language







    Link English C20


    CONTENT: Improvisation and Composition- Arranging Music 
    Students will improvise, compose and arrange music. Students compose and arrange music, demonstrating imagination, and technical skill in applying the principles of composition.
    CONTENT: Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Changes  Students will demonstrate their concepts of style, stylistic influence and stylistic change by identifying when art works were created  and by analyzing characteristics features of art works from various historical periods, cultures and genres. Classify works from the United States and world cultures by genre, style and historical period: explain why the works exemplify a particular genre, style, or period
    English Connections: Students use different levels of formality, styles, and tone when composing for different audiences.
    PERFORMANCE: Musical Composition 
    Students will demonstrate their knowledge of composing in thirds by writing 8-16 measures in a style that they choose . Performance of each composition will be analyzed in class.
  • Music Topic Guide
  • Drama Topic Guide
  • Preparing for Discussions, Debates, Persuasive  Essays
  • Literary Criticism






    Link LA-2


    CONTENT: Critical Response- Sight Singing
    Students will describe and analyze their own theatrical work and the work of others using appropriate theater vocabulary. When appropriate, students will connect their analysis to interpretation and evaluation. Students demonstrate an understanding of how music elements interact to create expressiveness in music.
    CONTENT: Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Changes  Students will demonstrate their concepts of style, stylistic influence and stylistic change by identifying when art works were created  and by analyzing characteristics features of art works from various historical periods, cultures and genres.
    Language Arts Link: Summarize in a coherent way what they have learned from a focused discussion.
    PERFORMANCE: Performing and Feedback
    Each student will be paired into scenes (of 2 actors)_ using musical theater pieces and while performing their scenes, the director/teacher will actively coach.  At the conclusion of each scene, actors will receive feedback from the class and -participate in analysis of their scene work. 
  • Music Topic Guide
  • Literature Topic Guide
  • Customs / Folklore (Culture)
  • Photography
  • Arts
  • Technology
  • Broadcasting
  • History
  • World History
  • United States History






    Link Math 2H4


    CONTENT: Reading and Notation - Written and Aural Replication
    Students will read music written in standard notation. Read and sing at sight difficult melodies, all intervals, and seventh chords and their inversions in arpeggiated form.
    CONTENT: Interdisciplinary Connections 
    Students will use knowledge of the arts and cultural resources in the  study of the arts, English Language Arts, World Languages, Health, History and Social Sciences , Mathematics, and Science and Technology/Engineering. Integrate knowledge of music and apply to other disciplines.
    Math Connections: Students will use systems of equations or inequalities to represent mathematical relationships and to solve problems.
    PERFORMANCE: All Dictation
    Rhythmic Dictation, Harmonize Dictation, Melodic Dictation, Fill in the Blank
  • Music Topic Guide
  • Languages
  • Literary Criticism






    English C20


    CONTENT: Improvisation and Composition- Voice Leading
    Students will improvise, compose and arrange music. Students improvise original melodies over given chord progressions consistent in style, meter and tonality.
    CONTENT: Concepts of Style, Stylistic Influence, and Stylistic Changes  Students will demonstrate their concepts of style, stylistic influence and stylistic change by identifying when art works were created  and by analyzing characteristics features of art works from various historical periods, cultures and genres. Students will classify works form the United States and world cultures by genre, style and historical period; explain why the works exemplify a particular genre, style or period.
    Literature Link: Students will use different levels of formality styles and tone when composing for different audiences.
    PERFORMANCE: Harmonized Melody
    Students will assign proper chord progression to given melodies using proper voice leading.
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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001