ANNOTATED TEXT --SELECTED EXAMPLESKeeley Library May 3, 2000 | to write down, to provide with explanatory or critical notes | ![]() |
The works of Vincent van Gogh: his paintings and drawings | REF 759.9492 G613 |
The Annotated Mother Goose, nursery rhymes old and new | 398.8 M918A |
The Annotated ancient mariner. The rime of the ancient mariner, | 821.7 C693RI 1965 |
The Annotated Shakespeare / | 822.33 JA615 V.01 |
The Annotated Alice: Alice's adventures
in Wonderland & Through the
looking glass, |
823.8 C319AN |
The Annotated Sherlock Holmes; the four
novels and the fifty-six short
stories complete |
823.8 D754AN 1967 V.01 |
The Annotated Jules Verne, Twenty thousand leagues under the sea / | 843.8 V531VI 1975 |
Various examples
of annotated lists.
Webtime Stories an annotated collection of children's stories | Exploratorium: Ten Cool Sites |
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Jane Constant, Keeley Library
B.M.C. Durfee High School
September, 1978 to June, 2001