Great Cities Bibliography
1. Blofeld, John
Eaton Calthorpe. Bangkok.
Amsterdam: Time-Life Books, 1979. [915.93044 B652] 2. Bonavia, David. Peking.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
3. Chamberlin, E. R.
Rome. Amsterdam: Time-Life
4. Cottrell, John. Mexico
City. Amsterdam:
5. Davenport, William W.
Athens. Amsterdam:
6. Gruliow, Leo. Moscow.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
7. Grunfeld, Frederic V.
Berlin. Amsterdam:
8. Koning, Hans. Amsterdam.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
9. Lehane, Brendan.
Dublin. Amsterdam: Time-Life
10. Menen, Aubrey. London.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
11. Menen, Aubrey. Venice.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
12. Moorhouse, Geoffrey.
Prague. Amsterdam:
13. Moorhouse, Geoffrey.
San Francisco. Amsterdam
14. Moraes, Dom F. Bombay.
Amsterdam: Time-Life,
15. Porter, Peter. Sydney.
Amsterdam: Time-Life
16. Pryce-Jones, David.
Vienna. Amsterdam:
17. Thubron, Colin. Jerusalem.
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
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September, 1978 to June, 2001