1. Hecht, Robert
A. The occupation of Wounded
Knee. Charlotteville, N.Y: SamHar, 1981. [978.36603 H447] 2. Kurland, Gerald.
The Bay of Pigs invasion.
3. Kurland, Gerald.
The Czechoslovakian Crisis of
4. Kurland, Gerald.
The Gulf of Tonkin incidents.
5. Kurland, Gerald. The Hungarian
rebellion of
6. Kurland, Gerald.
Lindbergh flies the Atlantic.
7. Paley, Alan L. The
Spanish Civil War.
8. Whitney, R. W. The
Kent State massacre.
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001