Lucent Overview Series
1. Anderson, Kelly
C. Immigration. San Diego:
Lucent Books, 1993. [325.73 A547 1993] 2. Anderson, Kelly C.
Police brutality. San
3. Bachrach, Deborah.
Espionage. San Diego, CA:
4. Barr, Roger. Cities.
San Diego: Lucent Books,
5. Bernards, Neal. Gun
control. San Diego, CA:
6. Burby, Liza N. World
hunger. San Diego: Lucent
7. Gano, Lila. Hazardous
waste. San Diego, CA:
8. Grady, Sean M. Illiteracy.
San Diego, CA:
9. Keeler, Barbara.
Energy alternatives. San
10. Knight, Theodore.
The Olympic games. San
11. McCormick, Anita Louise.
Vanishing wetlands.
12. Nardo, Don. Democracy.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
13. Nardo, Don. Eating
disorders. San Diego, CA:
14. Nardo, Don. Oil spills.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
15. Nardo, Don. Ozone.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
16. Nardo, Don. Population.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
17. Nardo, Don. Recycling.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
18. O'Connor, Karen.
Garbage. San Diego, CA:
19. O'Connor, Karen.
Homeless children. San Diego,
20. Osman, Karen. Gangs.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
21. Pratt, Paula. The
end of apartheid in South
22. Smith, Brenda. The
collapse of the Soviet
23. Stewart, Gail. Acid
rain. San Diego, CA:
24. Talen, Maria. Ocean
pollution. San Diego, CA:
25. Thompson, Sharon Elaine.
The greenhouse effect.
26. Thompson, Sharon Elaine.
Hate groups. San
27. Warburton, Lois.
Prisons. San Diego, CA:
28. Warburton, Lois.
Rainforests. San Diego, CA:
29. Woog, Adam. The United
Nations. San Diego, CA:
30. Yancey, Diane. The
reunification of Germany.
31. Yancey, Diane. Schools.
San Diego: Lucent
32. Yount, Lisa. Pesticides.
San Diego, CA: Lucent
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001