Milestones in Black American History
1. Candaele, Kerry.
Bound for glory. New York:
Chelsea House Publishers, 1996. [973.0496 C216 1997] 2. Dolan, Sean. Pursuing
the dream, 1965-1971.
3. Dornfeld, Margaret.
The turning tide,
4. Frank, Andrew. The
birth of black America. New
5. Hauser, Pierre. The
community builders,
6. Hauser, Pierre. Great
ambitions. New York:
7. Henry, Christopher E.
Forever free. New York:
8. Hine, Darlene Clark.
The path to equality. New
9. Hull, Mary. Struggle
and love. Philadelphia:
10. Jenkins, Earnestine.
A glorious past. New
11. King, Wilma. Toward
the promised land. New
12. Koslow, Philip. Centuries
of greatness. New
13. Nardo, Don. Braving
the New World, 1619-1784.
14. Paulson, Timothy J.
Days of sorrow, years of glory,
15. Sisson, Mary Barr.
The gathering storm. New
16. Weisbrot, Robert.
Marching toward freedom,
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001