1. Ascher,
Abraham. The Kremlin. New York:
Newsweek, 1972. [947.312 A 813] 2. Carroll, David. The
Taj Mahal. New York:
3. Davis, John H. Venice.
New York: Newsweek,
4. Greenberg, Mark.
The Hague. New York:
5. Grunfeld, Frederic V.
Vienna. New York:
6. Hemming, John. Machu
Picchu. New York:
7. Hibbert, Christopher.
Chateaux of the Loire.
8. Hibbert, Christopher.
Tower of London. New
9. Hibbert, Christopher.
Versailles. New York:
10. King, Francis Henry.
Florence. New York:
11. Landay, Jerry M.
Dome of the Rock. New York:
12. Leish, Kenneth W.
The White House. New York:
13. MacFarquhar, Roderick.
The Forbidden City. New
14. Quennell, Peter.
The Colosseum. New York:
15. Winston, Richard. Notre-Dame
de Paris. New
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001