KEELEY LIBRARY MICROFICHE -Great Presidential Campaigns |
Election of 1852 - Pierce vs. Scott
Election of 1856 - Buchanan vs. Fremont Election of 1860 - Lincoln vs. Douglas Election of 1864 - Lincoln vs. McClellan Election of 1868 - Grant vs. Seymour Election of 1872 - Grant vs. Greeley Election of 1876 - Hayes vs. Tilden Election of 1880 - Garfield vs. Hancock Election of 1884 - Cleveland vs. Blaine Election of 1888 - Harrison vs. Cleveland Election of 1892 - Cleveland vs. Harrison vs. Weaver Election of 1896 - McKinley vs. Bryan Election of 1900 - McKinley vs. Bryan Election of 1904 - Roosevelt vs. Parker Election of 1908 - Taft vs. Bryan Election of 1912 - Wilson vs. Taft vs. Roosevelt |
Election of 1916 - Wilson vs. Hughes
Election of 1920 - Harding vs. Cox Election of 1924 - Coolidge vs. Davis vs. LaFollette Election of 1928 - Hoover vs. Smith Election of 1932 - Roosevelt vs. Hoover Election of 1936 - Roosevelt vs. Landon Election of 1940 - Roosevelt vs. Wilkie Election of 1944 - Roosevelt vs. Dewey Election of 1948 - Truman vs. Dewey vs. Thurmond vs. Henry A. Wallace Election of 1952 - Eisenhower vs. Stevenson Election of 1956 - Eisenhower vs. Stevenson Election of 1960 - Kennedy vs. Nixon Election of 1964 - Johnson vs. Goldwater Election of 1968 - Nixon vs. Humphrey vs. George C. Wallace Election of 1972 - Nixon vs. McGovern Election of 1976 - Carter vs. Ford |
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001