The following digitized images are made possible through a gift given by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Rogers and Mr. William A. Hendrickson in honor of the 90th birthday of Mrs. Ruth Wilcox Hendrickson, Class of 1925. Five hundred slides from the Fall River History Materials Project were digitized on five cd disks. Approximately 15-20 images from each disk have been placed on this server. As we acquire more space on this account, more images will be mounted at a later date.
Twenty-one of
the one hundred images on this photo cd disk can be viewed below in Netscape.
1. Panel describing several murals.
2. Fall River Indians before the arrival of the white man. The arrival of Miguel Corte Real is shown in the background.
3. Indians before arrival of the
white man.. details
4. Indians before arrival of the white man.. details
5. Indians before arrival of white man details
6. Indians before arrival of white man..
7. Indians before arrival of the white man. details
8. Indians before arrival of the white
man... details
9. Sealing of the Freeman's Purchase.Presentation of Turf and Twig.
10. Freeman's Purchase. White men
11. Freeman's Purchase. Presentation
of Turf and Twig. detail..
12. Freeman's Purchase. King Philip leaving in disapproval.
13. Death of Weetamoe, Queen of the Pocassets.
14. Death of Weetamoe, detail.
15. King Philip indicates the result of the white man's invasion of his land.
16. King Philip points to the result
of white man's invasion of his land.
17. Detail of mural showing result of white man's invasion of Indian land.
18. Detail of mural showing result of white man's invasion of Indian land.
19. King Philip's War.
20. Indian Legend depicting Indian drinking from pool of water to acquire eternal youth.
21. Indian Legend depicting old Indian
22. Panel listing titles of various murals .
23. Slades Ferry , powered by
horses. going from Somerset to Steep Brook,
24. Interior of a grist mill.
25. Interior of a grist mill.
26. Interior of a grist mill.
27. Revolutionary War Battle of Fall River
28. Fall River Patriots fight the British
at the Battle of Fall River
29. British retreating from Fall
River patriots during Battle of Fall River.
30. Wounded British soldier left behind during Battle of Fall River.
31. Thomas Borden's house on fire, during Battle of Fall River.
32. Civil War recruitment on Bedford
33. Civil War recruitment. Detail
34. Civil War recruitment. Detail
35. Civil War recruitment . Detail
36. Civil War recruitment . Detail
37. Presenting the Deeds and Records. Settlement of Boundary Dispute.
38. Presenting the Deeds and Records.Dignitaries
attending ceremony.
39. Presenting the Deeds and Records.
Dignitaries attending ceremony.
40. Clothing detail. Presenting Deeds and Records Ceremony.
41. Keeping Alived Tradition and History.Panel detail showing familiar scenes from Fall River history.
42. Keeping Alive Tradition and History.Grandfather retelling stories about Fal River to his grandchildren.
43. Valkyrie guiding souls of dead Norsmen to Halls of Odin in Valhalla.
44. Early cotton manufacturing showing
looms, spinning wheel, etc.
45. Early Fall River textile industry- details.
46. Early Fall River textile industry-
47. Early Fall River textile industry- details.
48. Ealry Fall River textile industry - details
49. Early Cotton Manufacturing details
50. Early cotton manufacturing details
51. "Modern" cotton textile industry 1930's.
52. Cotton textile industry 1930's.
53. Cotton textile industry 1930's.
54. Cotton textile industry 1930's
55. Cotton textile industry 1930's
56. Cotton textile industry
57. Textile industry 1930's
58. Textile industry 1930's detail
59. Textile industry 1930's detail
60. Textile industry 1930's detail
61. Foster Hooper School 9th Grade
62. Foster Grammar School
63. Slade School House
64. Slade School
65. Slade School
66. Slade School- Third Grade
67. Davis School
68. Davis School- Second Grade
69. Brown School- 1st Grade
70. Samuel Longfellow School
71. "New" Lincoln School
72. Border City School
73. Westall School
74. Westall School
75. Davenport Grammar School
76. W.S. Greene School
77. Highland School
78. Fowler School
79. Brownell School-North Park
80. Osborn School
81. N.B. Borden School
82. N.B. Borden- 2nd Grade Circa 1900
83. N.B. Borden School - 8th Grade
84. B.M.C. Durfee Technical School Rock Street
85. B.M.C. Durfee High School Rock Street
86. Durfee Technical High School (later renamed Kuss MIddle School)
87. Normal Training School
88. Bradford Durfee Textile Institute
89. Bradford Durfee Textile Institute
90. Bradford Durfee Technical School
91. St. Mary's School
92. Mount St. Mary's Convent
93. Ecole Notre Dame
94. Notre Dame College
95. Sacred Heart Academy
96. Sacred Heart Academy
97. Holy Name Elementary School
98. St. Anne School
99. Jesus Mary Convent
100. St. Vincent Orphanage
101. Westall School
102. Fowler School
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001