Keeley Library   December 6, 2000
Stage I
French    Stage 1
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Group Projects
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.






    CONTENT: Interpersonal Communication
    Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students of modern languages will converse in  a language other than English to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Students of classical languages will engage in simple oral  exchanges and will develop reading skills with discussions of texts conducted in English.
    PERFORMANCE: Student dialogues. Classroom groups used to formulate oral presentations using "lets talk" cards. Students respond to classroom commands and and instructions. 
    Final Assessments:Department dialog lesson from September to October. Stage 1 tryout using written dialog form.  Assessment to be graded using WL rubric from frameworks, page 69
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Letter
  • Atlases, Maps






    CONTENT: Interpretive Communication
    Students use the skills of listening, speaking, readingf and writing. Students will understand and interpret ideas and information written or spoken in a language other than English. In classical language study, discussion will be conducted in English.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • use comprehension questions which follow selected readings. 
  • draw and present to the class meaning of readings.
  • give each other oral instructions in the language relating to daily class activities
  • using visual stimuli, identify corresponding pictures and illustrations of topics covered.
  • after readings, ask and answer comprehension in groups.

  • Final Assessments: After reading a letter from a friend  who will be visiting during the summer from a country in the target language, students will write back and tell the friend how he/she will get to the town or city from the airport. Include in the letter what student  likes and dislikes doing during the  vacation. Give visitor an idea about  the choices he/she will have when visiting.
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.






    CONTENT: Presentational Communication
    Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students of modern languages will write and speak in a language other than English to present information, concepts and ideas on a variety of topics.  Presentation in classical language classes will usually take the form of speaking or writing in English. 
  • Vocabulary identifications.
  • Fill in the Blanks and True/False
  • Audio cassette activity sheet
  • Worksheet to accompany chapter videos
  • Textbook chapter quizzes and tests
  • Proficiency tests from testing guide
  • Situation cards
  • Oral/written communication transparency  descriptions
  • Journal entries
  • "Mon autobiographie" pages from workbook.
  • Projects; (e.g. personal collages, brochures, creating ads)

  • Final Assessments: Personal collage, p. 35 of Frameworks specific to selected vocabulary (e.g. summer sports and activities) Rubric from page 67 of Mass. World Languages Frameworks
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Letter
  • Geography
  • Domestic Arts (Includes cooking)
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.
  • Customs, Folklore
  • Arts






    CONTENT: Cultures
    Students gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, perspectives, practices, and products of the culture studied, including human commonalties as reflected in history , literature, and in the visual and performing arts. n classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • take turns role playing different people to show difference between using Tu and Vous
  • do word search and crossword puzzle containing vocabulary on Christmas customs in France.
  • while watching video, fill out worksheet answering questions covered in the video
  • create food shopping lists to include the various shops to purchase items if you were in France.
  • create menus
  • bring in French recipes
  • in each group, work on study questions following the topics assigned and report information to the  entire class.
  • along with the teacher, practice folk songs and then have students perform songs in small groups
  • make a map of France following illustration from the text.

  • Final Assessments: Students will have the following projects:
    You will be visiting relatives in France during your summer vacation. Write a letter in French to Mlle. Dupont, one of your French teachers from the high school. Tell her some of the places you traveled. Include various cities, rivers and mountains. Tell her about any of the famous monuments and museums you visited. Mention some of the famous works of art you saw. Tell what kinds of food you ate, and where you had to go to purchase them. Finally, describe some of the people you met and describe what they were like. Written and oral assignments to be judged according to the rubric scoring guide from the state frameworks.
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.
  • Customs, Folklore
  • Domestic Arts (Includes cooking)






    CONTENT: Linguistic Comparisons
    Students develop insights into the nature of language and culture by comparing their  own language and culture with another. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied with their own. In classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English.
  • PERFORMANCE: Students use the following:
  • auditory comprehension tapes
  • student workbook exercises
  • exercises on cognate sheets
  • overhead transparencies for vocabulary practice
  • videocassette activities, CD rom activities
  • communication activities
  • workbook exercises
  • chapter quizzes
  • computer generated tests
  • vocabulary structure and culture
  • practice with CD rom Bienvenue interactive exercises.
  • Working in partners, students make up dialogues to Grammar G2B bienvenue. 
  • Students practice completing written exercises for audio cassettes.
  • Students practice accurate communication using listening tapes, or CD rom activities.

  • Final Assessments:
  • Using handouts as a source and using Internet information, students will produce an original menu for a fictitious French restaurant or cafe.
  • Students may produce a collage of a visit to a French Restaurant visited, using like cognates whenever possible, and photos to describe the meal. Students may also download a portion of a menu or description of a meal. 
  • Students make posters, either from collages of magazine pictures, or from hand drawn sketches or caricatures that illustrate expressions found to be similar across several romance languages. 
  • Posters or collages can also illustrate false cognates
  • For evaluation, use rubric on p.69 of MA World Languages Standards
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Letter
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.
  • Domestic Arts (Includes cooking)
  • Recreation (Includes Sports)
  • Personal Schedule or Chart






    CONTENT: Cultural Comparisons
    Students develop insights into the nature of language and
    culture by comparing their  own language and culture with
    another. Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture with their own. In classical languages, discussion and writing will be in English.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will
  • complete the exercises pertaining to the vocabulary involving restaurants, meals and animals.
  • in pairs, write about their eating habits at home, types of meals, food, drink, time of meals, etc. They should compare their eating habits with those of the French.
  • in groups, discuss differences as to how Americans treat their pets ( dogs, i.e..) as compared to the French. (Internet research a possibility)
  • learn the vocabulary for different sports, i.e. football, volleyball, bicycling,  tennis.
  • in groups, students name in French all the extracurricular sports at Durfee, and compare these sports with a typical Lycee in France. Internet  can be used for research.
  • in pairs in the lab, prepare a newspaper article showing the differences in popularity between American and French football.

  • Final Assessments: Students will 
  • present a written personal schedule chart which will include the  days, times, (24 hour clock) courses, etc. and  contrast this chart with a pen pal in Lyon. 
  • write a letter to a French pen  pal about where the American student lives, and describe the American's house or apartment. Draw an illustration marking the rooms in French.
  • pretend to own a restaurant that serves both American and French foods. Draw up a menu which shows the difference between American popular food and French popular food. Include prices in francs and times that the restaurant will be open.
  • prepare an oral presentation of American high school sports with French sports at the Lycee.

  • Data Evaluation: Use of  Rubrics on p. 67 of MA World Languages  frameworks
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Domestic Arts (Includes cooking)
  • Geography (travel brochure
  • Commerce (Includes Metric)
  • MeteorologyWeather Chart






    CONTENT: Connections
    Students make connections with other subject areas and acquire information. Students of modern and classical languages will use the target language to reinforce and expand their knowledge of other disciplines and to acquire new information and knowledge. In classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English.
  • Students will do activities from selected readings. including comprehension activities on metric system, time conversions on 24  hour clocks from text activities and workbooks and related workbook and lab activities to accompany reading
  • Students use recipes to convert measurements and make one of the recipes in class or at home. 
  • Students use Internet Conversion Charts and realia charts to convert currency, sizes and measurements.
  • Students make weather charts and list measurement sin Celsius and Fahrenheit
  • Students make a travel brochure using the language lab outline 

  • Final Assessments:
    Students will produce one of the following:
  • weather chart explaining weekly forecast and give oral presentations 
  •  brochure for a school trip giving itinerary, schedule of activities, travel tips and currency needed.

  • Students will prepare a French  recipe for class and explain conversion of the ingredients.
    Assessments based on MA frameworks rubric or project rubric from curriculum outline. Also use technology rubric used by department.
  • French Language
  • French Literature
  • Presentatatins/ Posters, etc.
  • Careers
  • Customs, Folklore
  • Domestic Arts (Includes cooking)
  • Story Board of Literary Concept





    CONTENT: Communities
    Students participate in communities at home and around the world in other languages. Students  will use languages other than English within and beyond the school setting. Students of classical  languages will recognize elements of classical languages and ancient cultures in the world around them, and they will share insights derived from their study of classical languages with others within and beyond the classroom setting.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will
  • perform French songs and dances during multicultural presentations and in department classes
  • write about the career opportunities available to French speakers and research further companies on the Internet that hire French speakers.
  • prepare French cuisine and reenact restaurant scenes in French, ordering proper  French foods and beverages.
  • making a brochure in language lab about French restaurants or foods.
  • choose a performance activity from the French Caribbean Unit and have it videotaped.
  • make a collage or chart of foods, or present a literary concept from reading, using story board presentation.

  • Final Assessments: Students will use language when  participating in French activities or community and classrooms such as Christmas caroling, French restaurant scenes  and activities, or when explaining story boards on readings. Use rubric from Mass World Language Frameworks or speaking criteria rubric.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001