Keeley Library   August 18, 2000
Marine Environment and Aquaculture
COURSE: 15644 
Marine Environment and Aquaculture
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  • Biological Sciences
  • Zoological Science
  • Icthyology: Fishes





    CONTENT: The study of marine vertebrates in their diversity in our local ocean environment. Students will demonstrate knowledge of fish anatomy, internal and external. 
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Illustration of fish anatomy.  Students will illustrate the internal and external characteristics of a fin fish by producing labeled drawings of the anatomy of a fin fish.
  • Biological Sciences
  • Zoological Science
  • Simple Marine Animals 
  • Outline
  • Gather information, summarize



    CONTENT: The introduction of simple marine animals and life functions. Students will explain importance of zoo plankton in marine food chains. Students will compare and contrast the sponges, rotifers, and bryozoans. Students will discuss the digestion process of various marine animals.
    PERFORMANCE: Endproduct: Outline of zooplankton important to our local ocean environment. Students will list all zooplankton mentioned in text and give a brief description of each to show their understanding.
  • Oceanography
  • Aquaculture
  • Water, Water Cycle, Water testing

  • Technical writing (incomplete)




    CONTENT: Earth's water cycle and the water budget play an important role in maintaining balance in our system. Students explain the basic chemistry of water as a solvent. Students describe the importance of ph to water chemistry. Students discuss the sources of and variations in the ocean's salinity.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will present a log book showing he maintenance of ph in a designated number of salt and fresh water aquaria.
  • Water, Water Cycle, Water testing
  • Aquaculture
  • Technical writing (incomplete)

  • Lab Report Form




    CONTENT: Water needs to be tested daily to insure health of marine animals. Students perform tests on various water quality parameters. Students explain the importance of proper water quality. Students illustrate their understanding of biofiltration
    PERFORMANCE: Students will perform tests on temperature, ph, salinity, ammonia, nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen on a water sample and record results.
  • Aquaculture
  • Marine Plants, Algae
  • Lab Report Form

  • Technical writing (incl.)




    CONTENT: The importance of marine micro algae, macro algae, and marine plants in our oceans. Students will describe the main groups of micro and macro algae. Students will grow one species of micro algae and demonstrate understanding of the required conditions for growth.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will produce 1000ml of T-isocrysis micro algae with a density of at least 6,000,000 cells per milliliter.
  • Marine Adaptation: Cetaceans, 
  • Focusing
  • Using Graphic Organizers

  • Creating Graphic Organizers on a Computer




    CONTENT: The study of adaptations and behaviors of marine animals
    Students will list and describe the characteristics and behaviors of cetaceans. Students will describe various adaptations of pinnipeds and other marine animals. Students will identify unique diving response used by marine animals.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will produce a concept map using pictures and illustrations of various cetaceans.
  • Oceanography
  • Simple Marine Animals (inc.)
  • Marine Environment
  • Oceans and Weather

  • Presentation, Posters ,etc.




    CONTENT: The study of the geological and climatic interaction of our oceans. Students will distinguish between different life zones along a shore, and describe the typical inhabitants of various marine environments. Students will explain how ocean temperatures affect weather and climate
    PERFORMANCE: Students will produce and explain an exhibit of a  collection of various marine animals and where they were found in relation to the different zones.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001