Keeley Library  November 14, 2000
COURSE: 9664
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  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Team /Collaborative Work


    LA 1


    CONTENT: Role Playing Identify and practice techniques, such as setting time limits for speakers, and deadlines for decision making to improve productivity of group discussions.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Dramatic Presentation Students will used agreed upon rules for informal and formal discussions in small/large groups. 
  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Team /Collaborative Work
  • LA 2 CONTENT: Beginnings.. Students will summarize in a coherent and organized  way what they have learned from a focused discussion.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Discussion, Summary 
    Students will pose questions, listen to the ideas of others and contribute their own information and ideas in group discussions in order to acquire new knowledge.
  • English Language
  • LITERATURE (800'S) 
  • LA 4 CONTENT: Vocabulary. Identify and use correctly in all content areas, idioms, cognates, words with literal and figurative meanings, and patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or functions. Use dictionaries or related references.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Correct Usage in Writing and Speaking
    Students will acquire and use correctly an advanced vocabulary of English words and  identify meaning through an understanding of word relationships.
  • English Language
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Creating Graphic Organizers
  • LA 5 CONTENT: Grammar/Vocabulary (Roots) Diagram a sentence, identifying types of clauses (e.g. main and subordinate), phrases (e.g. gerunds, infinitives, participles), mechanics( e.g.. semicolons, colons, and hyphens), usage, (e.g. tense consistency), sentence structure (e.g. parallel structure), and standard English spelling.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Any Written Form
    Students will, identify and apply knowledge of the structure of the English Language and standard English conventions for sentence structure, usage, punctuation and spelling.
  • English Language
  • Writing Essays
  • LA 6 CONTENT: Language. Analyze the role and place of standard American English in speech, writing and literature (Slang, dialects, idioms, clichés both in literature and in modern speech)
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Essay  Students will describe and analyze how oral dialects differ from each other in English, how they differ from written, standard English, and what role Standard American English plays in formal and informal communications.
  • English Language
  • Writing Letters
  • Elements of Fiction
  • Short Story
  • Storytelling

    LA 7 CONTENT: Etymology. Analyze the origins and meaning of common, learned, and foreign words used frequently in written English, and show their relationship to historical events.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Letter/  Story/ Tale
    Students will describe and analyze how the English Language has developed and been used.
  • Oral Tradition: Myths, Legends
  • Bible
  • LITERATURE (800'S)
  • Languages
  • Oral Presentations, Posters, etc.
  • Teach a Lesson
  • LI  8 CONTENT: Teach a Lesson. Use their knowledge of Greek, Latin, and Norse Mythology; the Bible, and other works often alluded to in British and American Literature to understand the meaning of new words. (Greek and Latin roots, suffixes, prefixes, etc.)
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Class Presentation
    Students will, decode and understand new words encountered in their reading and use these words accurately.
  • Focusing
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Using Note Cards 
  • Writing Essays
  • LI 9 CONTENT: Interdisciplinary Identify and describe the essential ideas in what they have heard, read, or viewed, by using the focusing, planning, monitoring, and assessing strategies that they have found most effective in helping them learn from a variety of texts.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Essay
    Students will identify the basic facts and essential ideas in what they have read, heard or viewed. 
  • Writing Essays
  • Theme Genre
  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Drama (Role Playing)
  • LI  10 CONTENT: Similarities in Genres Compare and contrast the presentation of a similar theme or topic across genres to explain how the selection of a genre shapes the message.
  • PERFORMANCE: End product: Role Playing / Meeting of the Minds/ Essay  Students will identify, analyze and apply knowledge of the characteristics of different genres.
  • Writing Essays
  • Theme Genre
  • LI  11 CONTENT: Theme(s) . Apply knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection may involve several ideas, and then analyze and compare works that have a universal theme, providing evidence to support their ideas.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Essay Students will identify, analyze and provide knowledge of theme in literature and provide..
  • Elements of Fiction
  • LITERATURE (800'S) 
  • Oral Presentations, Posters, etc.
  • Writing Essays
  • Journal
  • LI  12 CONTENT: Story / Fiction  Elements Locate and analyze such elements in fiction as point of view, foreshadowing, and irony.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Journal / Essay/ Poster or Bulletin Board Display  Students will identify, analyze and apply knowledge of the structure  and elements of fiction and provide evidence from the text to support views
  • Biography
  • LITERATURE (800'S) 
  • LI  13 CONTENT: Biography. Analyze the structure and elements of biographical or other non-fiction work,  explain what they are in an essay, and use them in a similar piece of writing.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Autobiography or Biography Students will identify, analyze and apply knowledge of the structure  and elements of non-fiction informational material
  • Symbolism, imagery, metaphor
  • Writing Essays
  • LITERATURE (800'S)
  • LI 15 CONTENT: World. Analyze and compare figurative language and imagery across significant cross-cultural literary works.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will identify and analyze how an author's choice of words appeals to the senses, create imagery, suggests mood, and sets tone.
    End product: Essay
  • Symbolism, imagery, metaphor
  • Oral Tradition: Myths, Legends, 
  • Native American Myths, Legends
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • LI  16 CONTENT: cross-cultural Literature.  Analyze and compare the role of such elements as journeys, supernatural helpers, magical objects, tests, and or marvelous creatures in myths, epics or literary works that draw upon motifs and themes from the oral tradition.
    PERFORMANCE:  End product: Journal, Essay
    Students will compare and contrast similar myths and narratives from different cultures and geographic regions.
  • Writing Essay
  • LITERATURE (800'S)
  • Elements of Fiction
  • Symbolism, imagery, metaphor
  • Drama
  • Criticism
  • LI  17 CONTENT: Text / Media   Analyze the aesthetic quality of works of poetry, drama, fiction, or film. Conduct close readings of texts using the terminology of literary criticism, and the present interpretations, based on specific evidence from the texts.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Essay
    Students will  interpret the meaning of literary works, non-fiction, films, and media by using different critical lenses and analytic techniques.
  • Writing Essay
  • C 19 CONTENT: Myth and Meaning  Write coherent compositions with a clear focus and adequate detail, and explain the strategies they used to generate and organize their ideas.
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Essay
    Students will write compositions with a clear focus developing the composition with logically related ideas and adequate supporting details.
  • Writing Essay
  • Story Writing
  • Advertising Techniques
  • Media Literacy
  • Journalism 
  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Authorship (elements of non fiction)
  • C 20 CONTENT: Written Forms. Use different levels of formality, style and tone when composing for different audiences
    PERFORMANCE: End product: Feature Story, Advertisement, Magazine Article, Sales Brochure or Cartoon.
    Students will select and use appropriate genres, modes of reasoning and speaking styles when writing for different audiences and rhetorical purposes.
  • Drama (Role Playing)
  • Team /Collaborative Work
  • Journalism (Editing)
  • C 21 CONTENT: Revising Students revise their writing, after rethinking the logic of their organization, and rechecking their controlling idea, content, paragraph development, level of detail, style, tone, and word choice
    PERFORMANCE: End Product: Group Work/ Meeting of the Minds/ Revised Work, Composition
    Students will demonstrate improvement in organization, content, paragraph development, level of detail, style, tone and word choice, in their compositions  after revising them.
  • Writing Essays
  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Using Note Cards 
  • Drama (Role Playing)
  • Team /Collaborative Work
  • C 23 CONTENT: Organizational Summaries, Writing.  Use their own questions, notes, summaries, and outlines to deepen learning across disciplinary areas.
    PERFORMANCE: End Product: Group Work/ Meeting of the Minds/ Revised Work, Composition/Essay
    Students will use self generated questions, note taking, summarizing, and outlining to enhance learning when reading or writing
  • Focusing 
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Using Note Cards for Research
  • Sample Title Page and Outline
  • Research Projects
  • C 24 CONTENT: Research Classical, World Mythology. Individually formulate open ended questions to explore a topic of interest and then design an appropriate methodology,  form and way to document sources for a report of their research.
    PERFORMANCE: End Product: Report
    Students will use different sources  of information and appropriate research methods to gather information for their research projects/reports
  • Focusing 
  • Rubrics
  • Journalism
  • C 25 CONTENT: Writing Forms Use group generated criteria for evaluating different forms of writing, and explain why these are  important before applying them.
    PERFORMANCE: End Products: Newspaper
    Students will develop and use appropriate rhetorical, stylistic and logical criteria for assessing final versions of their projects before presenting them before varied audiences.
  • Scriptwriting
  • Drama
  • Film Techniques
  • Broadcasting
  • Media Literacy
  • Oral Presentations, Posters, 
  • Arts
  • Music
  • M 28 CONTENT: Role Play. Use media to expand their understanding of some significant  writers or works from a particular historical period.
    PERFORMANCE: Presentation, Play 
    Students will, design and create a coherent production with a clear controlling idea, adequate detail,  and appropriate language consistent with audience and purpose. 

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001