Keeley Library 
African-American Literature
 COURSE: 9614
African American Literature
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United States History


LA 3
History Link


CONTENT:People of Color 
Deliver formal oral presentations using clear enunciation, gestures, and organization appropriate 
for a particular audience.
PERFORMANCE:End product: Report on a Person of Color
Students will write  a report and give an oral presentation on a person of color.


LA 4
History Link
CONTENT:Negro Dialect
Identify and use correctly in all content areas, idioms, cognates, words with literal and figurative meanings, andpatterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or functions. Use dictionaries or related references.
Define new words from context and use new vocabulary in writing assignments.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Choose a word from a dialect and decide meaning or shades of meaning.
Students will choose a word from a favorite literary passage and study the word for synonyms, shades or meaning
English language
United States History
Civil War,
Social Sciences
   see sections on Ethnic Groups

Discussions, Debates


LA 6 CONTENT: Negro Dialect-Secret Code, Ignorance, or Both?
Students will analyze when differences between standard and non-standard English are a source of negative or positive stereotypes among social groups.
Students will evaluate the role of dialects and their impact on American culture.
PERFORMANCE: End product-Discussion and Essay tests
Students will analyze the dialects in works  such as Roots, Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman, and Their Eyes Were Watching God. Students wlll consider the impact of dialect on American culture and the stereotyping of social groups.
American Literature
African-American Literature


LI  8 CONTENT: Allusions in African American Literature
Students will use their knowledge of literary allusions to understand their meaning when used in other literary works.
Students will evaluate the effectivenss of an author's use of allusiojns.
PERFORMANCE:End Product-Discussion of 3 African American Novels, and Essay tests.
Students will use their knowledge of literary allusions to understand their meaning when used in other literary works.
United States History
Using Graphic Organizers
Information Gathering,Summarizing
Note Taking
Discussions, Debates


LI 9
Social Studies
CONTENT:Apology for Slavery 
Identify and describe the essential ideas in what they have heard, read, or viewed, by using the focusing, planning, monitoring, and assessing strategies that they have found most effective in helping them learn from a variety of texts.
Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize the essential issues or ideas in a literary work.
Evalute assessment strategies for effectiveness.
PERFORMANCE:End Product-Essays, Discussion
Students will present essays evaluating which strategies were effective for them in learning to draw conclusions from a variety of texts, lectures and films.
Themes, Genres
Using Graphic Organizers
Discussions, Debates


LI  11 CONTENT:A View of Black Life
Apply knowledge of the concept that the theme or meaning of a selection represents a view of life or a comment on life and locate evidence in the text to support their understanding of  a theme.
Identify the theme of a literary work and write a formal essay supporting it with evidence from the text.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Essay and Discussion
Students will write a formal essay identifying the theme of a literary work such as The Color Purple, Autobiography of Miss Jane Pitman, Malcolm X, Their Eyes Were Watching God.They will recognize the comments on life common to the four novels.
Irony, Satire
Short Story


LI  12 CONTENT: How Point of View, Irony, Characterization, Are Used to Tell an Unknown Story
Analyze, evaluate and apply knowledge of how authors use  such elements of fiction as point of view, characterization, and irony for specific rhetorical and aesthetic purposes.
Evaluate the effectivensss of an author's use of point of view in a novel of short story.
Analyze and evaluate an author's use of irony.
Write a paper which effectively employs the use of irony.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Essay, Discussion
Students will analyze, evaluate the events, point ov view, characterization and irony in Shaka Zulu and Tuskegee Airmen.
Using Graphic Organizers
Discussions, Debates


LI  13 CONTENT: What Do You Know about Malcolm and Maya?
Analyze, explain and evaluate how authors use the elements of non-fiction to achieve their purposes.Explain how the elements of non-fiction relate to an author's purpose.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Essay and Discussions
Students will analyze the Biography of Malcolm X , and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Students will explain each  author's purpose and evaluate how well the authors achieved their purpose.
American Literature
Using Graphic Organizers
Symbolism, Imagery
Irony, Satire


LI  14 CONTENT: Poetry of Langston Hughes
Students will analyze and evaluate in poetry the appropriateness of diction, imagery, and figurative language, including understatement, overstatement, irony and paradox.
Students will analyze how imagery ,diction ,and/or figurative language enhances the mood and tone of a poem.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Students will become acquainted with the poems of  Langston Hughes.
Students will examine different poesm to explore the difference between the figurative and the literal , and discuss the rythm, rhyme and imagery in the poems.
American Literature
AfricanAmerican Literature
Themes, Genres
Symbolism, Imagery


LI 15 CONTENT: How Negro Dialect Advances the Theme of the Book.
Students identify how the author or scriptwriter's use of words creates tone, and mood, and analyze and evaluate how the choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work.
Analyze the elements of a particular work of literature and evaluate the author's choice of language and sentence structure and their effectiveness in advancing the theme
PERFORMANCE: End Product- Discussion, Character Sketch, Skit- Students will become acquaintred with Zora Neale Hurston's Writings about Literated Women.
Students will compose essays in which they analyze and compare figurative language in a variety of selections from the works listed.
Students will analyze the elements of a particularv work of literature and evaluate the author's choice of language and sentence structure and their effectiveness in advancing the theme.
Customs, Folklore
American Literature
African-American Literature
Discussions, Debates


LI16 CONTENT: Black Folklore
Analyze and evaluate how the authors over the centuries have used archetypes drawn from myth and tradition in literature, film, religious writings, political speeches, advertising and or propaganda. 
Compare and contrast archetypes from myths and narratives from different cultures and geographic regions.
Analyze why myths endure.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Discussion of origin of folk expressions about slaves and their experiences.
Students learn how myths and narratives enabled captured Africans to make sense of their new world and express their fears and hopes to one another.
Political Science
Discusssion,..Argumentative Eassay
American Literature
African-American Literature
United States History


LI  17
History LInk
CONTENT:Whose point of view? 
Studens analyze the moral and philosophical arguments presented in novels, film, plays, essays, or poesm.
Students analyze an author's political ideology, as portrayed in a selected work or collection of works, or archetypal patterns found in works of literature or non-fiction.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Position Paper and News Story about an Opposing Point of View.
Students will present a position paper and a news story analyzing and evaluating an author' moral and philosophical argument from another character's point of view.
Television Production
Team Project
United States History
Civil War,


LI  18
History LInk
CONTENT: Original Performance
Students demonstrate understanding of the functions of playwright director, producer, technical designer, and actor by writing, dirtecting, designing and/orv acting in an original film.
Students will write, produce and perform in an original play with classmates.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Original Play and Discussion 
Students will research one of the incidents discussed in class ;and write, produce and perform  an original play with a group of classmates.
Discussions, Debates
Note Taking
Information Literacy
Using Graphic Organizers
Documenting Sources
United States History
Civil War,
C 19
History LInk
CONTENT: Apology for Slavery?
Students write coherent compositions with a clear focus and adequate detail, and explain the strategies they used togenerate and organize their ideas.
Students evaluate effectivensss of the strategies used togenerate and oreganize ideas.
PERFORMANCE:End Product-Essay and Discussion 
Students write a coherent persuasive essay about an apology for slavery. 
Reports, Research
Discussions, Debates. Persuasion
Note Taking
Information Literacy
Using Graphic Organizers
Documenting Sources
United States History
Civil War,
United States History
C 23
History LInk
CONTENT: Monument to Slavery
Students use their own questions, notes, summaries, and outlines to deepen learning across disciplinary areas.
Students use self-generated questions, summaries and outlines to enhance learning.
Students integrate learning across disciplines.
PERFORMANCE: End Product-Position Paper Students will use their notes , questions ,summaries, to write a position paper on the possibility of a monument to slaves 
Web Site Evaluation
Using your library card to access books and online databases 
Finding Your Way in the KeeleyLibrary Library Classification Systems 
Library Floor Plan 
Library Do's and Dont's 
Citations, Abstracts, Full-Text.
Civil War,
United States History
  See also Multicultural Section on African   Americans in theU.S. History Reference Section
M 26
History LInk
CONTENT:Use Electronic Media for Research 
Students select appropriate electronic media for research and evaluate the quality of information obtained.
Research a topic independently using a variety of media.
Evaluate the qualiity of the information obtained.
PERFORMANCE: Informatrion found through research will be used for  Essays, Discussions and Original Plays
Studentrs will use the Internet to research a person of color, and then check the reliability of information found using autobiographies and other sources.

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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
September, 1978  to  June, 2001