Keeley Library   Revised February 4, 2001
Certificate of Completion Courses

Note: Teachers may wish to examine the Developmental Education / Early Childhood  and Inclusion resources available at the Keeley Library.   Please let library staff  know how we might help you.


CONTENT: Students will decode accurately and understand new words encountered in their reading materials, drawing on a variety of strategies as needed, and then use these words accurately in speaking and writing 
PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • identify letters of the alphabet
  • link letter symbols and sounds,
  • identify sight words
  • recognize common letters in the environment
  • recognize common words in the environment, 
  • Literature
    CONTENT: Students will identify basic facts and essential ideas in what they have read, heard, or viewed.
    PERFORMANCE:  Students will 
  • point to the pictures that illustrate elements of the stories (i.e. characters, locations)
  • retell or paraphrase story
  • after listening to a story, tell what the story is about
  • retell something he or she has heard on radio or seen on television.
  • retell something that has been said to him or her.
  • retell information in a given passage.
  • Literature
    CONTENT: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of theme in literature and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • identify an abstract theme such as friendship 
  • design a communication board with themes
  • group pictures or objects into theme groups
  • discuss concrete examples of theme, such as friendship, by describing what a friend does.
  • Literature
    CONTENT: Students will develop and use appropriate rhetorical, stylistic and logical criteria for assessing final versions of their compositions or research before presenting them to varied audiences.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • identify things that are "liked" in a passage by the student.
  • articulate reasons for things that are liked or not liked in a passage generated by the student
  • Math
    Number Sense
    CONTENT: Students engage in problem-solving, communicating, reasoning, and connecting to:
  • construct number meaning  by using manipulatives, and other physical materials to to represent the real world.
  • demonstrate an understanding of our numeration system  by relating counting, grouping and place value.
  • interpret the multiple uses of numbers by taking real-world situations and translating them into numerical statements.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will:
  • sort and  classify
  • group objects according to attributes.
  • demonstrate one-to-one correspondence.
  • distinguish between same/different, more/less, bigger/smaller, shorter/longer, and other simple number meaning comparisons.
  • Math
    Number Sense
    CONTENT: Students engage in problem-solving, communicating, reasoning, and connecting to:
  • model, explain and develop proficiency with the basic facts and algorithms.
  • use calculators in appropriate computational situations.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will 
  • be able to identify addition and subtraction number facts and do simple calculations using manipulatives or math aids.
  • make simple calculations using addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and construct simple number sentences ( using numbers, pictures, and/or manipulatives.)
  • Math
    Number Sense
    CONTENT: Students will engage in problem solving, communicating, reasoning, and connecting  to:
  • represent and use numbers in a variety of equivalent forms and in order relations in real-world. work-related. and mathematical problem situations
  • compute with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and integers, using appropriate algorithms, and a variety of techniques including mental math, paper- and-pencil, calculator, and computer methods.
  • analyze and explainig procedures for computation and how operations are related to one another, particularly the reversibility of operations.
  • estimate to develop number sense, operation sense, and to check the reasonableness of results.
  • analyze and explain methods for solving proportions.
  • use computation and proportion to solve problems
  • select and use, from among mental arithmetic, paper-and-pencil, calculator and computer applications an appropriate method in problem-solving situations.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will:
  • compute with whole numbers using manipulatives, paper and pencil, or technology.
  • represent and use numbers in a variety of equivalent forms in real-world, work-related, and mathematical problem situations.
  • Science/Tech/ 
    CONTENT: Students will explore and describe that plants and animals are living things and have characteristics that differentiate them from non-living things.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will be able to identify/classify as living versus non-living. Students show that animals need food and water to grow by tending animals without prompting. Students show that fish need food to grow by feeding fish without prompting.
    Life Sciences/
    CONTENT: Students will observe and describe familiar objects and events, identifying details similarities and differences.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will be able to sort like and unlike objects.
    Technology and 
    Human Affairs
    CONTENT: Students will 
    PERFORMANCE: Students will
    CONTENT: Understanding and Using Technology in Society 
    Students will .....
    PERFORMANCE: Students will.....


    CONTENT: Students will explain how the techniques used in electronic media modify traditional forms of discourse for aesthetic and rhetorical purposes.
    (Our assumption is that videotape, audiotape, computers, and various software will be used as integral part of the general education curriculum, and that all students will have access to the same materials, including software, used by the peers in their grade. In addition, these electronic media may be used to provide access to the curriculum.)
    PERFORMANCE: Students will....
    Social Science


    CONTENT: Students will understand the chronological order of historical events and recognize the complexity of historical cause and effect, including the interaction of forces from different spheres of human activity, the importance of ideas, and of individual choices, actions and character
    PERFORMANCE: Students will
  • sequence a series of developments or events, i.e. show what comes next in a series or sequence of developments. 
  • History/
    Social Science
  • Students should be expected to learn of the complex interplay that has existed from the beginning of our country between the American ideals and American practice in the pursuit of realizing the goals of the Declaration of Independence for all people. 
  • While attending to the distinct  contributions that immigrants from various lands and of various creeds, along with Native Americans,  have made to our nationhood, students should be taught above all the importance of our common citizenship, and the imperative to treat all individuals with the respect to their dignity called for by the Declaration of Independence.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will
  • identify similarities and differences in likes, dislikes, skills, favored activities, names and experiences.
  • demonstrate cooperation and sharing.
  • History/
    Social Science


    CONTENT: Students will identify and explain  the location and features of places and systems organized over time, including: 
  • boundaries of nations and regions, 
  • cities and towns, 
  • capitals and commercial centers, 
  • roads, rails and canals
  • dams, harbors and fortifications
  • routes of trade and invasion

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will locate and find personal information (city, state, address, school, country, and continent)
    Social Science


    CONTENT: Students will understand fundamental economic  concepts, including choice, ownership, exchange, cooperation, competition, purposive effort, entrepreneurship, incentive and money.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will
  • demonstrate understanding of basic human needs
  • demonstrate understanding of limits
  • History/
    Social Science


    CONTENT: Students will 
  • explain forms of authority in government and other institutions
  • explain purposes of authority, and distinguish authority from mere power, as in "a government of laws, but not of men"
  • describe responsible and irresponsible exercise of both authority and  power 

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will respond to authority at home, at school, and in the community.
    Social Science


    CONTENT: Students will 
  • describe how the United States Government functions at the local, state and national and international levels, with attention to the Constitution of Commonwealth of Massachusetts, its Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants, and the basic elements of its Frame of Government.
  • analyze the background and evolution of constitutional democratic government in the United States to the present day
  • explain the place of institutions in securing the rights of citizens.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will identify simple patriotic symbols, pledges, songs, portions of speeches, documents, and poetry.
    Social Science
    CONTENT: Students will 
  • learn the rights and duties of citizens and the principle of equal rights for all
  • consider the nature of civic virtue in a school, a community and a nation.
  • identify major obstacles and threats to civil rights.

  • PERFORMANCE: Students will...

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001