Keeley Library  July 30, 2000
 College Study Skills + Career
COURSE: 9554
College Study Skills + Career
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • Research Projects
  • Oral presentations,  posters

  • Information Gathering, Summarizing

    current event (Need to add info about
    online databases, etc. Will add after
    new system is in place.

    LA 3 


    CONTENT: Deliver formal oral presentations using clear enunciation, gestures, tone vocabulary, and organization appropriate for a particular audience

    PERFORMANCE: Each student will present a current event summary, college research project, and photo or word poster in oral presentation using clear enunciation, gestures, tone, appropriate for a particular audience.

  • Writing Essays
  • English Language
  • Languages
  • LA 4 CONTENT: Identify and use correctly in all content areas,   idioms, cognates, words with literal and figurative meanings, and   patterns of word changes that indicate different meanings or   functions. Use dictionaries or related references. 

    PERFORMANCE: when writing an essay, the student will use a dictionary and grammar to learn the origin or words. This will enable students  to identify new words in all content areas and new vocabulary in writing assignments.

  • Authorship

  • Writing Essays

    current event (Need to add info about
    online databases, etc. Will add after
    new system is in place.

    LA 5  CONTENT: Students identify and describe all conventions of standard english, and edit all writing to conform to conventions of standard English.

    PERFORMANCE: Students will edit their essays and news magazine summaries to conform to conventions of standard English.

  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Creating Graphic Organizers
  • Note Taking
  • Writing Essays
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • LI 9 CONTENT: Identify and describe the essential ideas in what they have heard, read, or viewed, by using the focusing, planning, monitoring, and assessing strategies that they have found most 
    effective in helping them learn from a variety of texts.

    PERFORMANCE: Students will identify the basic facts and essential ideas in what they have read and present those ideas in written and oral form.

  • Theme Genre
  • Satire, irony..
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Creating Graphic Organizers

  • Note Taking

    current event (Need to add info about
    online databases, etc. Will add after
    new system is in place.

    LI  10 CONTENT:  Identify and analyze characteristics of genres 
    such as satire, parody, allegory, and pastoral that overlap or 
    cut across the lines of basic classification such as poetry, 
    prose, drama, novel, short story, essay or editorial

    PERFORMANCE: Students will recognize and analyze the characteristics of satire, humor, irony, and double talk when reading articles for their written current events summaries.


  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • English Language
  • Languages
  • Authorship

    LI 13 CONTENT: Analyze, explain and evaluate how authors use the elements of non fiction to achieve their purposes.
  • PERFORMANCE: In a written summaries, students will explain how authors choose language and organize their writing to help the reader understand the concepts presented.
  • Writing Essays
  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Philosophy
  • Ethics
  • Political Science
  • LI 17 CONTENT: Analyze the moral and philosophical arguments presented in novels, films, plays, essays or poems; an author's political  ideology as portrayed in a selected work, or collections of work, or archetypal patterns found in works of literature or non-fiction.

    PERFORMANCE: Students will use essay and discussion to present an author's moral and philosophical ideas in a particular work or works.

  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • Logic

    C 20 CONTENT: Use effective rhetorical strategies and demonstrate understanding of the elements of discourse (purpose, speaker, audience, form,) when completing expressive, persuasive, informational, or literary writing assignments.

    PERFORMANCE: In their speeches, students will select appropriate modes of reasoning and speaking styles when writing for different rhetorical purposes and audiences.

  • Authorship
  • Discussions, Debates, Persuasion
  • C 21 CONTENT: Revise their writing to improve style, word choice, sentence variety, and subtlety of meaning, after rethinking how well they have addressed questions of purpose, audience and genre.

    PERFORMANCE: Students will demonstrate improvement in style, word choice and sentence variety after revising their written speeches for oral presentation.

  • Authorship
  • C 22 CONTENT: Use all conventions of standard 
    English  to edit their writing.

    PERFORMANCE: When reviewing their oral presentations, students will use knowledge of standard English conventions to edit their work.

  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Creating Graphic Organizers
  • Note Taking
  • Outlining

    C 23 CONTENT: Use their own questions, notes, summaries, 
    and outlines to deepen learning across disciplinary areas. Use self generated questions, summaries and outlines to enhance 

    PERFORMANCE: Students will use their own notes, summaries, and outlines to enhance learning for success in college.

  • Research Projects
  • Focusing
  • Information Gathering, Summarizing
  • Using Note Cards Research
  • Sample Title Page and Outline
  • Documenting: Quoting, Bibliography
  • C 24 CONTENT:  Individually formulate open ended questions
    to explore a topic of interest design an carry out their research,  and evaluate the quality of each  research paper in terms of adequacy of its questions, materials, approach, and documentation of sources.

    PERFORMANCE: Students will use open-ended research questionsdifferent sources of information, and appropriate research methods to gather information for their research project.

  • Oral Presentations, Posters, etc.
  • Information Gathering,Summarizing
  • Evaluating information resources
  • Careers
  • M 26 CONTENT: Select appropriate electronic media for research and evaluate the quality of information obtained. Research a topic independently using a variety of electronic media.

    PERFORMANCE: When preparing their poster and oral presentation of a college, students will obtain information from a variety of media, and evaluate the quality of material they obtain.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001