Keeley Library  August 11, 2000
Human Relations Social Skills
COURSE: 3784
Human Relations Social Skills
  • Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Writing Essays
  • Careers 



    CONTENT: Career Development, Self Awareness: Access personal strengths and weaknesses as they relate to career exploration and development
    PERFORMANCE: Career Choices Essay After completing a 100 question career interest survey, students will tally responses. In a 2-3 page essay, they will indicate with specific examples how the survey results relate either positively or negatively to three potential career choices.
  • Careers 
  • Human Relations
  • Writing Essays
  • Workplace Trends
  • Statistics



    CONTENT: Relate Work Ethic, workplace relationships, workplace diversity, and workplace communication skills to career development.
    PERFORMANCE: Written essay/analysis on The Changing Workplace. Students will research three occupations that were typically  considered traditional occupational roles for particular sexes or  ethnic  minorities, and compare their findings to current statistics in these same fields in a 3-4 page essay.
  • Careers 
  • Writing Essays
  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers



    CONTENT: Career Strategy: Apply knowledge gained from individual assessment to a comprehensive set of goals and an individual career plan.
    PERFORMANCE: Personal Career Goals Chart, Graph, Timeline, Essay  After completing a series of surveys about personal values, interests, aptitudes, leisure time activities, and personal expectations, students will :
  • Create a timeline stating specific short and long term goals (including 2 career objectives and educational requirements)
  • Complete a chart or graph depicting career expectations and educational requirements
  • Summarize findings in a 2-3 page essay.
  • Preparing for Oral Presentations, Posters, etc.
  • Collaborative Work
  • Focusing 
  • Using Graphic Organizers
  • Journal Writing
  • 3.6 CONTENT: Lifelong Learning Relate the importance of lifelong learning to career success. Discuss ;how health, motivation and physical fitness enhance performance.
    PERFORMANCE: Group project: Collage Daily Food Pyramid
    Students will keep a daily journal for one week and record all meals, snacks, and liquids they consume. In groups, students will construct a food pyramid collage recording daily recommended food intake. They will compare individual food journals to the pyramid and complete a detailed plan to improve their diets to correspond to the recommendations of the food pyramid.
  • Careers
  • Keyboarding

  • Also, for tutorials on specific 
  • Software and operating systems
  • 4.4 CONTENT: Employment Communications Integrate all forms of communication in the successful pursuit of a career.
    PERFORMANCE: Job Application Packet Students will complete a job application packet which includes creating a career objective, resume, letter of application, application forms and follow-up letter.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001