Keeley Library December 20, 2000 |
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Stage I |
Portuguese Stage 1 |
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left. | ||
CONTENT: Interpersonal
Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students of modern languages will converse in a language other than English to provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Students of classical languages will engage in simple oral exchanges and will develop reading skills with discussions of texts conducted in English. PERFORMANCE: Student dialogues. Students will produce dialogues in oral or written form which are appropriate to the level of study, and will be judged according to rubric scoring guide for written and oral assessments. Students will use: End Product: Dialogues |
CONTENT: Interpretive
Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will understand and interpret ideas and information written or spoken in a language other than English. In classical language study, discussion will be conducted in English. PERFORMANCE: Students will Final Assessments: In oral or written form, students will bring in a picture from a magazine and tell who the people are, how they feel, and what their daily routine should be. Evaluation will be based on the presentation. |
CONTENT: Presentational
Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students of modern languages will write and speak in a language other than English to present information, concepts and ideas on a variety of topics. Presentation in classical language classes will usually take the form of speaking or writing in English. PERFORMANCE: (Library needs to clarify our understanding of course objectives for this standard.) |
CONTENT: Cultures
Students gain knowledge and understanding of other cultures. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the traditions, perspectives, practices, and products of the culture studied, including human commonalties as reflected in history , literature, and in the visual and performing arts. In classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English. PERFORMANCE: Students will : Final Assessments: Students will pretend to be one of a few students invited to study for two weeks during the summer at the "Escola Secondaria Sao Pedro" in Lisbon, Portugal. Students will be attending classes dealing with Portuguese history and culture, and will be living with a Portuguese family. Students will then write a postcard to family letting them know about: |
CONTENT: Linguistic
Students develop insights into the nature of language and culture by comparing their own language and culture with another. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparison of the language studied with their own. In classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English. PERFORMANCE: Students will do the following: Final Assessments: Students will make a collage/ poster or other visual presentation which will show pictorially the cognates they have mastered and then make a tape or give oral presentation on the similarities and differences in the pronunciation of these images in Portuguese and English. Evaluation can be done using WL rubric on page 69 of framework, or selected rubric from curriculum test on presentations. |
CONTENT: Cultural
Students develop insights into the nature of language and culture by comparing their own language and culture with another. Students use the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students will demonstrate an understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the target culture with their own. In classical languages, discussion and writing will be in English. PERFORMANCE: Students will Final Assessments: Students will write a postcard to their friend following outlined guide of greetings, saying good-bye, telling of school schedule and classes. Students include their leisure time activities and information about their family life. OR Students will present a two minute oral presentation using collage or other graphic tool telling about a cultural holiday , differences in school schedules or family life, or leisure time activities between American and Portuguese students. |
Develop Brochure
CONTENT: Connections
Students make connections with other subject areas and acquire information. Students of modern and classical languages will use the target language to reinforce and expand their knowledge of other disciplines and to acquire new information and knowledge. In classical language study, discussion and writing will be in English. PERFORMANCE: Students will Final Assessments: Students will produce one of the following: Assessments based on MA frameworks rubric or project rubric from curriculum outline. |
CONTENT: Communities
Students participate in communities at home and around the world in other languages. Students will use languages other than English within and beyond the school setting. Students of classical languages will recognize elements of classical languages and ancient cultures in the world around them, and they will share insights derived from their study of classical languages with others within and beyond the classroom setting. PERFORMANCE: Quiz and worksheet on quincienara.. Students will, Final Assessments: Students will list at least five ways that they could use their language skills to help, inform others, or school transcripts of how their target language influences others around them. |
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Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School
of Fall River
September, 1978 to June, 2001