Last edited on January 5, 2001

Society and Media
COURSE: 09644-001
Society and Media
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • English Language
  • Writing Essays
  • Elements of Fiction
  • LITERATURE (800'S)




    LA 6


    CONTENT: Analyzing the Effect of Dialects
    Analyze when differences between standard and non-standard English are a source of positive or negative stereotypes among social groups.
    PERFORMANCE:  Students will listen to audio only of Stand and Deliver. They will write in their Film Journals a description of the characters as they imagine them to be, based on hearing them speak in dialects. Students will include in their sketch their opinions of as to whether they expect each character to be a positive or negative character  in the story.
    End product: Character Sketch
  • English Language
  • Elements of Fiction
  • LITERATURE (800'S)
  • Themes/Genres




    LI 15


    CONTENT: Understanding How Authors' Choices of Words Develop a Story. Students identify how the author's or scriptwriter's use of words creates tone and mood, and analyze and evaluate how the choice of words advances the theme or purpose of the work.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will note in their film journals any words or use of words which the screenwriter used to create suspense, or to advance the theme or purpose of the film.
    End product: Film Journal Entry
  • Themes/Genres
  • Writing Essays




    LI  16


    CONTENT: Understanding the Themes and Motifs of Oral Traditions.  Analyze how authors over the centuries have used archetypes drawn from myth and tradition in literature, film, religious writings, political speeches, advertising and/or propaganda.
    PERFORMANCE: In their film journal, students will refer to recurring themes in films they watch and note similarities over time. Example: teachers with difficult students
    End product: Essay for Film Journal
  • Media: Advertising Techniques
  • Media Literacy
  • Themes/Genres
  • Criticism




    M 27


    CONTENT: Identifying and Evaluating Media Effects
    Identify the aesthetic effects of a media presentation and identify and evaluate the techniques used to create them. Identify and evaluate a variety of techniques used to create media effects
    PERFORMANCE: Students will note in their journals the advances in comedic techniques in film, tracing those techniques from silent film comedies through  the first talkies up to modern times.
    End Product: Film Review
  • LITERATURE (800'S)
  • Social Sciences
  • History
  • Philosophy
  • Writing Essays




    M 28


    CONTENT: Understanding the Author's Social or Political Philosophy and Its Effect on Film.. Use media to expand their understanding of some significant  writers or works from a particular historical period.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will record in their film journals their impression of the author's social or political philosophy regarding war and civilians caught up in war.
    End Product: Entries in Film Journal
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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001