Keeley Library November 17, 2000 |
Theater Workshop I |
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left. | ||
Link L1-18
CONTENT: Acting-
Creating a Believable character
Students create complex and believable characters through the integration of physical, vocal and emotional choices Interdisciplinary Connection: Apply knowledge of the arts and cultural resources in the study of the Arts, English Language Arts, Foreign Language, Health, History, Social 'Sciences, Mathematics, and Science and Technology/ Engineering. Literature Link:Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of playwrights, directors, technical designers, and actors by writing an original play PERFORMANCE: Monologue Performance Students will choose a monologue based on previously written material . They will develop acting choices appropriate to their character based on both any information given to them and any information they may discern. Students will perform their monologues for their class. |
CONTENT: Reading
and Writing Scripts- The Playwright as a Collaborating Artist
Student will read, analyze and write dramatic materials. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the playwright as a collaborating artist..... Concepts of Style , Stylistic Influence and Stylistic Changes Students classify works from the United States and world cultures by genre, style, and historical period, explain why the works exemplify a particular genre, style or period. Literature Link:Demonstrate an understanding of the functions of playwrights, directors, technical designers, and actors by writing an original play PERFORMANCE: Flowchart Must be completed.... |
5.13 6
6.5 Link LA-1
CONTENT: Critical
Response- Developing Criteria for Assessment
Students will describe and analyze their own theatrical work and the work of others using appropriate theater vocabulary.... Students will use group generated criteria to assess their own work and the work of others CONTENT: Purpose and Meaning in the Arts Students will describe the purposes for which works of dance, music, theater, visual arts, and architecture were and are created, and, when appropriate, interpret their meaning. Students will interpret the meaning of artistic works based on evidence from artists biographies, autobiographies, or videotaped or written interviews. Language Link:Drawing on one of the widely used evaluation forms for group discussion, evaluate how well students and others engage in group discussions. PERFORMANCE: Panel Discussion Students will use group generated criteria to assess their own work and the work of others. End product will be a panel discussion. |