Keeley Library   September 2, 2000
See Also:
  • Visual and Media Literacy
  • Film and Video Techniques
  • Advertising Techniques
  • 1. Select good television programming that can be used to support your instructional objectives.
     Preview all of the video you are considering and use only the parts that fit your objectives. Ask  yourself the following questions about the video you consider:

    Excerpt the parts that are most useful. The equipment features on VCRs permit easy and  effective use of limited sections of programs.

    2. Plan how the video selected will be used in the actual lesson or class activity.
    Determine when and how you will use the video, if the VCR and television sets will be available, or if you might have problems with using the equipment. Write the video activity into your lesson plan and layout all activities you plan to do with the television segment of the unit. Remember that the video is particularly strong for these activities:

    3. Prepare the "audience" for the television experience.
    Tell  the viewer what to expect in the segment and provide questions or comments that will assist him or her in assessing the points in the video. Tell the audience what you expect them to get out of the activity. Tell the viewer what to watch or listen for, or what to remember or what to take down in notes. Tell the student what you will do after the viewing of the video.

    4. Show the video.
    Make sure the program runs smoothly, but don't fidget with the equipment. Stop the tape, if you are using a recorder/player and ask questions, make comments or show certain points of special importance. Rewind to review important portions of the tape or fast forward through. parts that are not useful to the lesson.

    5. Follow-up the video experience.
    Give a summary of the video or remind the viewers of the planned expectations for the program. Use questions or comments to generate discussion or debate. Have a test on the program or require a written, or oral report. Use the program's strengths to meet the objectives of the lesson. It is usually not appropriate to show a television learning activity without follow-up in a class. Perhaps, the only time this may be advisable is if the program is complete in and of itself with well-defined points, reinforcement cues and built-in testing activities.

    6. Evaluate the use of the video to determine if you want to use it again.
    If you do choose to use the television activity again, do you need to modify it? For example, do you need to use more or less of the program? Do you need to edit something out? Or do you need to use better equipment? What better follow-up activities can you use next time? Review your use of the television activity overall to determine how you can use it better another time.

    Excerpted from "A Better Way to Use Television in Our Classes" by David G. Gueulette
    TechTrends January 1988

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001