Keeley Library     August 18, 2000
Fashion Retailing 
COURSE: 3144
Fashion Retailing
Keeley Library Resources : Click on the Internet Links in the First Column on the Left.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • 5.1


    CONTENT: Mathematical Foundations for All Computational Skills: Apply basic mathematical operations to solve problems Determine correct mathematical process; estimate and then calculate answers to problems; calculate total purchase price; calculate net business purchases; determine dollar amount of cost markup, or sales price when one one the three variables is unknown. Determine dollar amount of markdown, regular selling price, or reduced price when one of three variable is unknown. Calculate total sales tax for sales transaction.

    PERFORMANCE:Students will complete packet of various mathematical problems directly related to retail sales.

  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Essay
  • Business Management
  • 10.4


    CONTENT: Competitive Analysis and Marketing Strategies
    Justify the need to gain and maintain competitive advantage through the use of internal comparisons and external research services.
    PERFORMANCE:Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.
  • Essay
  • Ethics(Incomplete)

  •     See entries for business ethics


    CONTENT: Ethics Define a code of ethics, develop a code of ethics, and apply a code of ethics to various issues confronted by business. Describe a personal code  of ethical behavior. Explain the importance of trust for the successful conduct of business. Give examples of how unethical behavior results in higher prices for consumers.
    PERFORMANCE:Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Business Management
  • Essay
  • 11.5


    CONTENT: Price Explain the role of pricing in the marketing process. Describe and use various pricing strategies. Identify factors that will influence a product price: i.e.  quality, brand loyalty, etc.)
    PERFORMANCE:Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Business Management
  • Essay
  • 11.6


    CONTENT: Place Apply distribution processes and methods to develop distribution plans. Differentiate among various channels of distribution; explain role of various intermediates in the channel of distribution; identity major components of a physical distribution system.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Business Management
  • Group Presentation
  • Radio (inclomplete)
  • Broadcasting

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    CONTENT: Promotion Identify the four general forms of promotion and determine how each contributes to successful marketing. Design advertisements, Discuss ways to control or minimize unfavorable publicity, demonstrate steps in the selling process, evaluate a variety of sales approaches
    PERFORMANCE: Students will work in a group of four to produce a group advertising project in which they analyze news fashion ads, create a fashion ad, and produce a 60 second radio promotion that coordinates within the print ad. Class group presentations of ads conclude the activity.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Business Management
  • Advertising Techniques
  • 11.9


    CONTENT: Characteristics of a Market Identify numerous marketing variables and strategies in dealing with a diversified marketplalce. Differentiate between rational and emotional buying motives. Develop strategies to influence rational and emotional buying motives.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.
  • Retailing, Advertising
  • Business Management
  • Essay
  • 11.9


    CONTENT: Forecasting Apply forecasting principles and methods to determine sales potential for specific products. Describe why sales forecasting is an important determinant of business success.
    PERFORMANCE: Students will complete end of chapter standardized tests, including essays.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001