Keeley Library August  22 , 2000
Intro to Statistics, Statistics 
COURSE: 10401, 10402
Intro to Statistics, Statistis
                                             Note:  Standard numbers  with M = assumptions of prior knowledge
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  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work
  • 5H1


    CONTENT: Plotting Points  Represent data in a scatter plot. Use the scatter plot to make predictions. Describe data sets using the concepts of median, mean, mode, maximum and minimum, and range.
    PERFORMANCE: Graph Students work in pairs to plot points Short answers
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work
  • 5H2



    CONTENT: Graphing Equations: Find the "Line of Best Fit" from a set of data. Use tables an graphs  to compare linear, quadratic and exponential growth patterns.
    PERFORMANCE: Graphs, Tables and Equations Students work in groups to fit a line to a set of data using active stats software Graphs/Short answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work








    CONTENT: Plotting and Graphing Select an appropriate
     graphical representation for a set  of data and use appropriate statistics, (e.g. mean, median, range, quartile, or percentile distribution to communicate information about data. Choose and apply appropriate measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode) to represent a set of data.  Use box-and-whisker plots to represent data sets and  identify outliers. 
    PERFORMANCE Graph and Diagram Students will work in groups to construct graphs and line plots that involve mean, median, mode. Short answers, Fill in the blanks, Group Activities
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work
  • Surveys
  • 5H4



    CONTENT: Experiments With Sample Data  Students describe the effect of sample size and population size on the validity of predictions from a set of data. Design a fair game, and provide justification for fairness.
    PERFORMANCE: Explanations Students take surveys in groups to predict outcomes Students demonstrate the ability to speak and write effectively.... Short Answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work
  • Presentations







    CONTENT: Mathematical Expectations  Students design a fair game and provide justification for fairness. Make inferences about a characteristic of a population from a well constructed sample. e.g. capture, recapture. Find probabilities of events with equally likely outcomes. 
    PERFORMANCE Graph, Diagram and Explanation Groups of students will present games they were assigned to to their classmates explaining the odds of winning  and the built-in house advantage. Presentation
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Probability :Describe the differences between the theoretical probability of simple events and the experimental probability from simulation. Use tree diagrams, tables and lists to describe sample spaces and  and to calculate  probabilities of independent and dependent events.
    PERFORMANCE: Problem Solving: Students work in groups to experimental  probabilities of a given sample space of outcomes. Short answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Outcome Analysis  Apply basic counting principles  to describe simple events, and compute probabilities  of events with outcomes that are not equally likely. Use tree diagrams, tables and lists to describe sample spaces and  and to calculate  probabilities of independent and dependent events.
    PERFORMANCE Tree Diagrams, Tables of Outcomes, and Probabilities:  Students will work in groups to develop a formula for determining the number of possible outcomes when an experiment is performed.  Short answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Predicting Stopping Distance: Apply regression results and curve fitting to make predictions form data. Find the "line of best fit" from a series of data. .
    PERFORMANCE: Graph, Problem Solving  Students working in groups will use a graphic calculator to do quadratic regressions, cubic regressions, quartic regressions, logarithmic regressions,  and power regressions to analyze various data sets  and interpolate and extrapolate the results. Short Answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Representing the Spread of Data  :Use measures of spread of a set of data to solve problems. Use appropriate statistics to communicate information about data.
    PERFORMANCE:  Problem Solving, Explanation  Students working in groups will gather various data sets and make predictions about the graph of the data before actually graphing the data sets utilizing numerical statistics only. Short Answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work
  • Surveys
  • Presentations
  • Technical Reports
  • Discussion
  • 5H10



    CONTENT: Survey Design and Administration  :Design surveys and apply random sampling techniques to avoid bias in the data collected.Describe the effects of sample size  and population size on the validity of predictions from a set of data.  Design a fair game and provide justification for fairness.
    PERFORMANCE:  Analysis of Survey Results, Reports  Students work in pairs to design a survey and gather data samples then analyze the results and report back to the entire class. Survey, Report
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Finding the Probability of Independent Events  Use simulations (e.g., random number tables, random functions, and area models) to determine experimental probabilities. Apply basic counting principles  to describe simple events, and compute probabilities  of events with outcomes that are not equally likely .
    PERFORMANCE: Problem solving Students working in groups  will be given a black numbered spinner wheel (1-6), and a red numbered spinner wheel (1-6). Students will then be asked to find the probability that the sum or the numbers on both wheels will be more than or equal to 10 when both wheels are spun. Short Answer
  • Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Collaborative Work







    CONTENT: Analysis of Some Common Distributions  Apply uniform , normal, and binomial distributions  to the solutions of problems. Represent data in a scatter plot. Use the scatter plot to make predictions. Describe data sets using the concepts of median, mean, mode, maximum and minimum, and range.
    PERFORMANCE: Graphs and Explanation Groups of students will work to produce graphs and control charts . Short answer, graph
    Note.We would  like to add links for online tutorials to cover items assumed to be already learned, and to help students who missed learning these concepts because of illness, etc. Microsoft has a number of tutorial about using spreadsheets, making various kind of charts etc.  As we locate  this kind of information, we will place it as links in the file, Using Computers for Assignments. Constructive criticism and suggestions are welcomed.

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    Jane Constant, Reference Librarian
    Keeley Library, B.M.C.Durfee High School of Fall River
    September, 1978  to  June, 2001